Children birthday cakes can be a delight to make! If you are looking for ideas, search Google Images for the type of cake you have in mind. Then, if you are new to cake decorating or just need help with an advanced skill, find instruction from a book or video that will help you master the techniques needed to create the children birthday cakes of your dreams.
1st birthday cakes are among the most memorable of children birthday cakes. These are found in all shapes and sizes: petit fours decorated as baby blocks and stacked strategically, cakes baked and decorated in the shape of the number "1," cakes sculpted in the shape of baby's favorite animal or toy, a three tiered confection topped with a candle in the shape of the numeral one and so forth.
The best 1st birthday cakes are in colors and shapes that baby enjoys while also pleasing the adults at the party because most baby's first year birthday parties are as much for the parents as the baby who will likely sleep through much of the celebration.
Whether you are creating a 1st birthday cake or a teen's birthday cake, you will find that kids birthday cake ideas are best when they reflect the guest of honor's interests and tastes. For this reason, theme birthday cakes make for very popular children birthday cakes. The birthday cake designs you will see in Google Images include many children birthday cakes with themes: princess birthday cake, castle birthday cake, baseball birthday cake, soccer, horses, cell phones and laptops, surfing, dogs, cats, and well just about anything a child or teen may love.
A children birthday cake often will depict a favorite movie, television and cartoon character. Just take a look at the large array of Elmo birthday cake, Harry Potter birthday cakes, High School Musical birthday cakes, etc.
Specialty birthday cakes are often ordered at least two weeks in advance because these children birthday cakes are customized. If you can make your own children birthday cakes you won't have to worry about this; in fact, if you become really good at making children birthdays cakes, you may find yourself in business!
Just remember to design the cake with the child in mind and to use a cake recipe and icing that the child likes. You can get very creative with cakes, which is another reason children birthday cakes are so much fun.
Author is a cake specialist and provides helpful tips on making and choosing the right birthday cake. He often writes about how you can decorate a cake as well.
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